Remote Work

Remote work is a buzzword that’s been hugely popularised by the pandemic, however, it’s been around for quite a while.

Working remotely or building and running a remote team is going to mean looking at things from all types of angles. From recruiting staff to team building events, working in a virtual environment is going to call for some out-of-the-box thinking.

Read all about remote work and how it fits into the digital nomad sphere.

From tips to recruiting top remote staff (if you’re a business owner) to learning how to transition into remote work (if you’re a rookie), you’ll find a plethora of useful articles and tips to help you broaden your knowledge on remote work and what it entails.

Is the Remote Work Dream Dead?

Is the Remote Work Dream Dead?

During the pandemic, Zoom became a byword for online meetings as enforced remote working meant that this was the only way to connect with colleagues “face to face”. After the end of the pandemic, many businesses decided to continue to allow remote working to an...

8 Work from Home Jobs with No Experience

8 Work from Home Jobs with No Experience

So, you want to start picking up some remote work that you can do at home, but you have no experience, what can you do? If you search around the internet, you will see posts saying that you can become an online writer or a social media manager and start working from...

6 Best Digital Nomad Jobs for Beginners

6 Best Digital Nomad Jobs for Beginners

So, you want to be a digital nomad, but you aren’t sure what kind of work you can do to support yourself while traveling? The first thing to ask yourself is what skills and experience you have that you could exploit. If you are a developer, website designer, social...

Part-Time Remote Jobs: Complete Guide

Part-Time Remote Jobs: Complete Guide

Are you looking for a side hustle to boost your income or are you looking for remote work that could evolve into a career that gives you more financial freedom? There are lots of reasons why people seek out part-time remote jobs. But what kind of part-time remote jobs...

Why More Americans Prefer to Work from Home?

Why More Americans Prefer to Work from Home?

According to a report published by economist Nick Bloom and coauthors in September 2023, in mid-2023, 28% of all full, paid workdays among Americans aged 20-64 happened at home. That is four times what it was in 2019 (and ten times what it was in the 1990s). This...

The Virtual First Approach: Dropbox’s Bold Decision

The Virtual First Approach: Dropbox’s Bold Decision

Back in October 2020, Dropbox was one of the first companies to announce that they were taking a virtual first approach to work. CEO Drew Houston said that this was a difficult decision at the time since it meant throwing their highly developed in-person culture out...

The Meaning of a Remote-First Company Explained

The Meaning of a Remote-First Company Explained

According to a recent article published by Forbes, 16% of companies are now remote-first, which means that they offer fully remote contracts to the majority of employees. (There are always one or two roles that require someone to be onsite, we won’t hold that against...

Hybrid Employees and Workations: What You Need to Know

Hybrid Employees and Workations: What You Need to Know

Twenty years ago, most work contracts had relatively similar terms and conditions when it came to working hours, work location, and taking vacation. But today, work contracts can be very different depending on whether you can do your job remotely and the company’s...

The Remote Work Revolution: Reshaping the Future of Work

The Remote Work Revolution: Reshaping the Future of Work

The remote work revolution is with us and there is no pulling the breaks on the transformation of the workforce now. Before the pandemic, it was estimated that about 7% of US employees worked completely remotely, while around 37% of jobs could be done fully remotely....

What Digital Nomads Seek in Modern Employment

What Digital Nomads Seek in Modern Employment

The rise of remote work and digital nomadism has fundamentally changed how people view employment. No longer tethered to a traditional 9-to-5 office job, today's workforce seeks flexibility, fulfillment, and alignment of work and lifestyle. This shift is redefining...

Leveraging Social Media in Recruitment

Leveraging Social Media in Recruitment

In the quest for talented professionals, employers frequently turn to conventional job search sites. However, there exists an often-overlooked tool that can revolutionize the process of finding the ideal candidate—social media. While traditionally viewed as a personal...

How to build a Sustainable Remote Work Culture? 

How to build a Sustainable Remote Work Culture? 

If you’re interested in building a sustainable remote work culture for your organization, then it’s good to first understand what remote work culture is and why it's important.  Just as location-based teams thrive on a positive work culture, so too do remote work...

How Insurance Companies Can Adapt to Increased Remote Work

How Insurance Companies Can Adapt to Increased Remote Work

This rise in remote work brings with it many changes to the insurance landscape. It’s therefore necessary that insurance companies adapt to increased remote work, and that companies adjust their policies in line with new working models. As employees are increasingly...

How to Build Human Connections in the Remote Workplace

How to Build Human Connections in the Remote Workplace

The concept of remote work was born mainly out of the pandemic, but it’s here to stay for good. As more and more employees choose to work in remote environments, team leaders and recruiters across the world try to find the answer to the burning question – how do we...

How to Coordinate Remote Teams Across Different Time Zones

How to Coordinate Remote Teams Across Different Time Zones

Many of today’s remote working teams comprise people living in different countries or states, across various time zones. Working across a range of timezones can create challenges for team communication and coordinating work. And as asynchronous remote work is set to...

7 Ways to Show Gratitude In A Remote Team

7 Ways to Show Gratitude In A Remote Team

As companies have adapted to the new working environments, so have the remote workers. Many of them have struggled with in-house distractions, work-life balance, organizing home office and never-ending fatigue from those long online calls. But they have also found new...

What You Need to Know about Remote Working Risks

What You Need to Know about Remote Working Risks

It’s often only once you’ve been involved in remote work for a while that you start to question the risks of remote working.  Cyber security risks of remote working are some of the most commonly discussed risks. But there are several others that we explore below that...

Employee Appreciation Ideas for Remote Staff

Employee Appreciation Ideas for Remote Staff

For many years, companies have been showing their staff appreciation and recognition for their work and service in many different ways. Nowadays, where so many employees work remotely, there is even more reason to intentionally cultivate a culture of showing...

A Guide to Performance Management for Remote Teams

A Guide to Performance Management for Remote Teams

In the office or a remote environment, how your team performs is crucial for your company’s success. As companies around the world hire more remote workers or adopt hybrid systems, managers and team leaders have to shift the ways they manage performances. Among other...

International Remote Working: Legal Risks for Employers 

International Remote Working: Legal Risks for Employers 

There has been a dramatic rise in companies hiring remote international employees: employers' needs are a driving force, as are the availability of new online remote work platforms.  Many employers are now able to hire the best talent from anywhere in the world, which...

How To Assess Culture Fit When Hiring Remotely?

How To Assess Culture Fit When Hiring Remotely?

Remote work has opened up a new pool of candidates that enables businesses to find top talents around the globe. But hiring remotely comes with its challenges causing team leaders to rethink company culture and assessment techniques. It may be relatively easy to...

What is a ‘Shybrid’ Employer?

What is a ‘Shybrid’ Employer?

You may not have heard the term ‘shybrid’ before, but with the slow but certain return to office for many companies, you can be certain you’ll be hearing it a lot more. Essentially, it is a term to describe those employers who are hesitant to embrace the home working...

Remote Workplace Safety Checklist for My Remote Team

Remote Workplace Safety Checklist for My Remote Team

The global pandemic of 2020 has spurred a rapid transition to remote work for millions of people around the world. Employers are now eager to ensure compliance with health and safety laws related to new working from home or remote work environments, while also...

The OKR Framework in Remote Teams: What You Need to Know

The OKR Framework in Remote Teams: What You Need to Know

Interestingly, few people can list their top priorities even though transparency and communication are top of mind these days. In a survey of 11,000 senior managers, leaders, and executives from more than 400 companies, London Business School found the following: Only...

7 Ways to Help Your Remote Team Make Time for Deep Work

7 Ways to Help Your Remote Team Make Time for Deep Work

Having a remote staff has many advantages: from lower costs and quicker onboarding to more flexibility and access to the highest level of professionals. But when it comes to productivity, managing a remote team comes with its challenges. You might notice that your...

Open Talent: A New Approach to Hiring

Open Talent: A New Approach to Hiring

The pandemic, global megatrends and rapid digitization have ushered in a plethora of new working models and approaches. This includes millions of people around the world having transitioned during lockdowns into remote work, hybrid work, working from home, and the...

What Are the Most Common Remote Work Security Risks? 

What Are the Most Common Remote Work Security Risks? 

As more people work online, and more services are being digitized, there’s an increasing cybersecurity risk for companies. And with increasing numbers of people working from home or working remotely, there are also many more remote work security risks.  Deloitte has...

Remote Working Isn’t Killing Creativity. But What Is?

Remote Working Isn’t Killing Creativity. But What Is?

One of the silver linings of the COVID pandemic has been that many people have had the opportunity to experiment with and experience remote working. Only a few years ago it would have been unimaginable for companies to let so many of their staff work remotely. But now...

Remote Working in 2022: 10 Trends to Look After

Remote Working in 2022: 10 Trends to Look After

Do you ever wonder why we work the way we do? Where did the benefit of being able to work remotely come from? In response to the changes in society, so has the working environment, and right now we are seeing some changes that, a while back, were still just trends....

Understanding Health Insurance for Remote Workers

Understanding Health Insurance for Remote Workers

If you have a team of remote workers, then you probably want to consider offering them health insurance. But that’s where things get a little challenging. There are various options for providing your employees with health insurance, but not all of them are suitable...

Building Collective Intelligence in Remote Teams

Building Collective Intelligence in Remote Teams

Oftentimes managers focus on individual staff members’ skills and abilities to perform their jobs, and overlook the contribution of collective intelligence. Recent research on collective intelligence shows that it’s critical for good collaboration among team members,...

How to Encourage Politeness in the Remote Workplace

How to Encourage Politeness in the Remote Workplace

We’ve recently witnessed a large-scale transition to remote working and many companies intend to continue with remote and hybrid work models. While this certainly has many benefits, it can also be concerning when diverse teams experience rudeness and cultural or...

How to Compensate Remote Staff Located around the World

How to Compensate Remote Staff Located around the World

When you have remote teams working around the world in different countries and different areas of the world, it can be challenging to decide on how to compensate them fairly and equitably. It’s challenging because salaries for the same position vary from country to...

How to ask for flexibility in your job?

How to ask for flexibility in your job?

One of the things that people want most from a job is flexibility. This has become an even more in-demand employment perk since the start of the pandemic. People are now increasingly working from home (WFH) and many also work flexible hours. But now that many people...

9 Tips for Managing Conflict in the Remote Workplace

9 Tips for Managing Conflict in the Remote Workplace

Managing workplace conflicts can be challenging, but when you’re working remotely then it becomes even more complex. Workplace conflicts can have serious effects on staff morale, efficiency, collaboration, retention rates, and employee engagement. And because of the...

How to Manage Successful Hybrid Meetings

How to Manage Successful Hybrid Meetings

Hybrid meetings are here to stay and we need to find ways to manage them effectively so as to optimise collaboration, communication and productivity. Hybrid meetings are ones where at least one meeting participant joins remotely, while others are onsite in the office....

Cybersecurity Tips for Remote Working

Cybersecurity Tips for Remote Working

Whether you’re a digital nomad, a full-time or occasional remote worker, or you manage remote working teams, if you are working from home (WFH) then cybersecurity should be at the forefront of your business priorities. Since the seismic shift towards more remote work...