Digital Nomad FAQ

Can You Be a Digital Nomad as a Digital Marketer

Can You Be a Digital Nomad as a Digital Marketer

Can you become a digital nomad if you are a digital marketer? The short answer is absolutely yes! While not all digital marketing jobs are remote (just because a job has digital in the title does not mean that it is remote), there are a growing number of fully remote...

6 Best Digital Nomad Jobs for Beginners

6 Best Digital Nomad Jobs for Beginners

So, you want to be a digital nomad, but you aren’t sure what kind of work you can do to support yourself while traveling? The first thing to ask yourself is what skills and experience you have that you could exploit. If you are a developer, website designer, social...

Can Lawyers Work Remotely? A Closer Look

Can Lawyers Work Remotely? A Closer Look

An increasing number of white-collar jobs can be done remotely. You can meet online and deliver work via the web, and since the pandemic, most clients and colleagues accept this as a legitimate way of working (unlike before the pandemic). But is every job compatible...

Are Digital Nomads Rich? The Truth Behind the Lifestyle

Are Digital Nomads Rich? The Truth Behind the Lifestyle

If you follow any digital nomads on Instagram, you probably assume that they are pretty wealthy. Flying to beautiful international destinations every month, staying in incredibly beachside hotels or jungle treehouses, and taking in local adventures. This can make the...