Digital Nomad FAQs

What is a digital nomad and how do I become a digital nomad?

If you find yourself asking these questions and want to find out more about what it takes to travel and earn a paycheck at the same time, you’re in the right spot.

Our FAQs will reveal all the burning questions you have about life as a digital nomad. From how digital nomads make money to how they get about while they’re in a different city, you’ll learn everything you need and more.

Can You Be a Digital Nomad as a Digital Marketer

Can You Be a Digital Nomad as a Digital Marketer

Can you become a digital nomad if you are a digital marketer? The short answer is absolutely yes! While not all digital marketing jobs are remote (just because a job has digital in the title does not mean that it is remote), there are a growing number of fully remote...

6 Best Digital Nomad Jobs for Beginners

6 Best Digital Nomad Jobs for Beginners

So, you want to be a digital nomad, but you aren’t sure what kind of work you can do to support yourself while traveling? The first thing to ask yourself is what skills and experience you have that you could exploit. If you are a developer, website designer, social...

Can Lawyers Work Remotely? A Closer Look

Can Lawyers Work Remotely? A Closer Look

An increasing number of white-collar jobs can be done remotely. You can meet online and deliver work via the web, and since the pandemic, most clients and colleagues accept this as a legitimate way of working (unlike before the pandemic). But is every job compatible...

Are Digital Nomads Rich? The Truth Behind the Lifestyle

Are Digital Nomads Rich? The Truth Behind the Lifestyle

If you follow any digital nomads on Instagram, you probably assume that they are pretty wealthy. Flying to beautiful international destinations every month, staying in incredibly beachside hotels or jungle treehouses, and taking in local adventures. This can make the...

15 Best Digital Nomad Jobs for 2024

15 Best Digital Nomad Jobs for 2024

Have you decided that 2024 is the year that you finally embrace your digital nomad dream? It all starts with finding the perfect digital nomad job that you can do while on the move with just your skills and experience, a laptop, and an internet connection. While any...

What is a Workation?

What is a Workation?

As remote work practices make working more flexible, lots of new jargon is being introduced into our work vocabulary. We now talk about hybrid working, asynchronous communication, remote first, and zoom fatigue. Another new word that has entered our vocabulary is...

Will AI Take Over the Jobs That Digital Nomads Do?

Will AI Take Over the Jobs That Digital Nomads Do?

“AI will take over my job” that’s a thought many (if not all) of us have had lately, with the rise of generative AI applications like ChatGPT, DALL-E and the hype they created, it’s hard not to worry about losing our jobs to artificial intelligence. Digital nomads and...

Are All Digital Nomads Minimalists?

Are All Digital Nomads Minimalists?

What is the minimalist lifestyle and why do we associate it with digital nomads? On their website, The Minimalists joke that: “…. to be a minimalist you must live with less than 100 things, you can’t own a car or a home or a television, you can’t have a career, and...

Do I Need to Take a Course to Become a Digital Nomad?

Do I Need to Take a Course to Become a Digital Nomad?

Are you one of the employees who experienced remote work during COVID-19 (or before) and you want to be doing this full time? Remote work is not the future, it has quickly become a reality. The breakout of COVID-19 pandemic forced many companies to work remotely and...

How Much Money Do I Need to Become a Digital Nomad?

How Much Money Do I Need to Become a Digital Nomad?

“I want to be a digital nomad, but I don’t think I can afford it” If that’s what you are thinking, then this article is for you! Many people who heard about digital nomadism, would love to subscribe to this lifestyle. Many want to experience the freedom, the different...

Do Digital Nomads Ever Settle Down?

Do Digital Nomads Ever Settle Down?

Technology gave us great power. Not only the power of knowledge, or having the world at a click of a button, but also the power to make lifestyle choices. Digital nomads are people who used the power of technology to pursue freedom and experience. They are people who...

How To Become A Digital Nomad Family

How To Become A Digital Nomad Family

In a previous article, we took a look at what actually is a digital nomad family life. Specifically, what are some of the realities of being a digital nomad family - both the upside and the downside. But here we’re gonna delve into how to become a digital nomad...

Thriving Nomads Summit 2021 launches on 16th April

Thriving Nomads Summit 2021 launches on 16th April

When you hear about digital nomads, usually, two questions come to mind, Why would I become a digital nomad? And how do I become a digital nomad? Digital nomads are people who work remotely while travelling. They have a job that they can do online and they travel the...

Digital Nomad Family Life

Digital Nomad Family Life

The idea of being a digital nomad and having a family at the same time may seem like a pretty far-fetched idea. But actually, we think it isn’t such a crazy thing! The digital nomad family life can be an amazing one that’s especially rewarding. This isn’t to say that...

Is it Legal to be a Digital Nomad?

Is it Legal to be a Digital Nomad?

Digital nomads are people who use the internet and technology to do their work while travelling. More specifically, they are people who do remote jobs while travelling from one country to another. Digital nomads usually stay for a period, longer than a tourist but...

Do digital nomads pay taxes?

Do digital nomads pay taxes?

Digital nomads broke the common rules of the work life. They packed their suitcases, said goodbye to their bosses and got on a plane; moving from one dream destination to another. All of this, while working remotely. But do digital nomads break other rules? Like...

10 Common Mistakes Digital Nomads Make

10 Common Mistakes Digital Nomads Make

Imagine this, you walk up to the check-in counter at your local airport, stoked to be starting a new chapter in your life as a digital nomad, and the person at the counter asks you for your passport. You hand it to them and they pull through the pages looking for the...

A New Home for Digital Nomads in Madeira

A New Home for Digital Nomads in Madeira

Beautiful beaches on the ocean, warm weather all year round, amazing mountains for hiking, a sunset that takes your breath away plus the advantage of good internet. Yup! That checks the list of every digital nomad for the perfect destination. The place we are talking...

Living as a Digital Nomad during COVID-19

Living as a Digital Nomad during COVID-19

For several years, digital nomadism has been an increasingly popular trend. But this way of life, which consists of traveling the world while working remotely from a laptop and anywhere that has an internet connection, has had to face consequences of COVID-19. How is...

10 Best Cities For Digital Nomads In 2024

10 Best Cities For Digital Nomads In 2024

It has never been easier to travel the world while working and making money. The only question that you may want to ask yourself is where to go. According to most digital nomads, the most important criteria when choosing the right place to move include: the quality of...