In the era of remote work, employees are trying to hit the mark between work-life balance and managing the challenges of remote work. While working from home or a cafe gives you flexibility, more family time, and saves on the commute, a change of scenery and environment can help supercharge your productivity.

When committing to digital nomadism may be too much for some, slowmadism can be the answer. We talked to Darcy Marie Mayfield, a remote-first support consultant, who shared her expertise on remote work and slowmadism.

She emphasizes that there is no one blueprint for remote work and emphasizes the importance of tailoring remote work practices to fit an individual’s and a company’s culture.

Contrary to being a digital nomad, Darcy considers herself a slowmadist. She has a home base, which provides her with a sense of community and stability. Slowmadism, as she defines it, involves going to a different location for a longer period, usually three to four weeks, to immerse oneself in the culture and environment while maintaining a focus on work. Darcy finds that a change of scenery can bring new perspectives, unlock creativity, and provide a sense of active recovery.

On the other hand, Darcy acknowledges the challenges involved. Planning is crucial to ensure a successful trip, including verifying internet speeds, desk availability, and stocking up on groceries. She recommends allocating a few extra days for unforeseen delays. Additionally, Darcy advises researching cities that embrace digital nomadism, as not all communities are welcoming to remote workers. She highlights locations like Madeira, Mauritius, Cabo Verde, and Pipa in Brazil as examples of places with initiatives that support digital nomads.

Looking at the future, Darcy predicts the continued growth of remote work but anticipates there will be more regulations. We can see some communities getting globalized with the rise of remote work and digital nomadism, but we may see others getting displaced as well. Darcy advises individuals considering the digital nomad lifestyle to align their choices with their values and conduct thorough research to ensure a positive and fulfilling experience. In conclusion, Darcy advocates the benefits of slowmadism over constant location hopping. She stresses that planning, research, and flexibility are crucial to ensure a successful remote work and travel experience. She encourages individuals to align their choices with their values for a more meaningful and fulfilling journey, whether as digital nomads or as slowmadists.