If you are a frequent reader, you will know that I often recommend that digital nomads join online groups to network and connect with other digital nomads. Why?

While exciting, digital nomadism can be a lonely way of life. It is not just because you have left friends and family back home and it can be hard to make new connections while on the move, but also because it is not a lifestyle that everyone can understand and connect with. But other digital nomads know what you are going through and act as a friendship circle and support network.

Online communities are also a great source of information if you want advice on a certain location, are looking for digital nomad accommodation, or just want digital nomad niche advice on things like travel insurance or taxes.

If those sound like great reasons to join an online digital nomad community, then join Digital Nomads Hub, one of the biggest Facebook groups for digital nomads (quickly approaching 60k members). Read on to learn more about what to expect from the group, what it hopes to achieve, and how you can contribute.

Join Digital Nomads Hub now.


What Happens in the Digital Nomads Hub Group?

Digital Nomads Hub is a Facebook group for digital nomads, or aspiring digital nomads, wherever they are in the world. It is a place to connect and make friends, ask burning questions, find travel tips, and network professionally.

One of the things I love about Digital Nomads Hub is that new members often introduce themselves, tell you a little about their journey so far, and why they have joined the group. I like the way this helps me to understand who I am talking to when I am active in the group.

While a lot of people just enjoy sharing, seeing other people’s travel adventures, and getting travel inspiration, Digital Nomads Hub is also there to help. Members will often come to the group with questions and get swift and useful responses. I’ve recently seen questions about:

  • International Health Insurance
  • Invoicing internationally
  • Obstacles to sustaining a work-life balance and long-term travel
  • Tips for digital nomads traveling with children
  • eSim experiences and recommendations
  • Local WhatsApp and Telegram Groups
  • Digital Nomad Visas

Responses are always useful and to the point, with very little self-promotion. But nomads also share some of the business ideas in the group to find partners and collaborators.


Who is Behind Digital Nomads Hub FB Group?

The group is principally administered by Rémy Lasset and me. I am originally from Belgium and have been traveling as a digital nomad for more than 10 years, visiting 60+ countries. As well as managing this website, I run a fully remote content marketing agency and organize workations in the Swiss Alps.

Rémy is an independent author and freelance web content writer originally from France. He is particularly interested in coworking in rural areas and understanding new ways of working to support an integrated work-life balance. You can also follow him on Medium.

But the group is a community effort, with a core group of enthusiastic digital nomads contributing and responding regularly. How much engagement can you expect to see? Over the last year, the group had 863 posts, with 4,904 comments.

The high level of comments is what we like to see since among the main goals of the group are to share knowledge and resources directly through personal interactions to equip the community to thrive as digital nomads and to facilitate meaningful connections and networking opportunities for members around the world.


Other Group Goals

In addition to knowledge sharing and building connections, the group was set up to provide support and inspiration for those transitioning into the digital nomad lifestyle, or those trying to improve their journey and navigate the ups and downs of remote work while traveling.

The group also hopes to serve as a platform for continued learning and personal growth through sharing learning and development resources specifically targeted at digital nomads to expand their skills and thrive professionally.

The group also aims to promote digital nomad opportunities and collaborations by helping people find freelancing gigs, remote jobs, coworking spaces, partners for new projects, and inspiration to make their ideas happen.

However, the group is not a digital marketplace. We don’t encourage self-promotion unless it is within context, and we don’t encourage accommodation listings. This is an international group, and that kind of information is best shared in location-specific groups. We hope that with these rules in place, the group is an informative and enjoyable place to be for everyone.


Should You Join Digital Nomads Hub?

If you are a digital nomad keen to connect with others on a similar journey and willing to share your experiences with others to help them along the same journey, then Digital Nomads Hub is for you.

If you are a remote entrepreneur looking to connect with other digital nomads with skills, ideas, and inspiration for collaborative projects, then Digital Nomads Hub is for you.

If you are a new digital nomad or an aspiring digital nomad and you are looking for inspiration on where and how to travel and practical tips on how to make the digital nomad lifestyle work for you, then Digital Nomads Hub is for you.

If you are an ex-digital nomad or anyone with a personal or professional interest in digital nomadism and want to connect with real digital nomads and know what they think, then Digital Nomads Hub is for you.

You can join the group today here and respond to a quick survey about what kind of digital nomad you are and what you hope to get out of the group. We hope you will join us.