The labor market is constantly changing, and with it, so are the requirements for resumes. We are going to tell you what digital skills you should highlight on your resume in 2024 to find a job faster and easier.


Digital Creativity

Digital creativity is the ability to create content using the opportunities that technologies offer and your prior knowledge. Employers want employees who are willing to think outside the box and are confident enough to voice their ideas and suggestions. For their part, employers are increasingly recognizing the importance of emotional intelligence and providing employees with technologies to challenge the status quo and speak their minds—though this is not universal.

Digital creativity comes to us from creative thinking, which students often use in school, especially when writing essays. By the way, you can always order examples of such papers on Custom Writings if you find it difficult to understand how exactly to use creativity in writing.

Digital creativity will be increasingly valuable in the workplace and can play a vital role in making cost-effective decisions, regardless of a person’s job title.


Tech literacy

Tech literacy is a skill that should have long ago replaced the traditional “knowledge of Microsoft packages” and “confident PC user” on resumes. Including this skill means not only that you know how to use specific digital tools but also that you can adhere to ethical standards and, for example, are familiar with the basics of digital security.

However, tech literacy is still a fairly general term, so if you want to specifically highlight your in-depth knowledge of Excel functionality or ability to handle basic Figma functions, you can and should do so.


AI and Big Data

One of the biggest and most ambitious tasks for many projects and companies in the near future is to implement artificial intelligence into their work processes and products. Therefore, it is not surprising that the market increasingly values ​​not just the ability to use AI and, for example, language models but also an understanding (at least basic) of their operating principles. Experience in working with “big data,” however, is no less in demand on the market.


Digital etiquette

This skill is basic and necessary in online work. It helps increase the effectiveness of negotiations with colleagues, partners, and clients. Digital etiquette teaches you to pay attention to the types of communication and the tone of each.

For example, it is important to discuss with partners in advance which messenger is better to communicate in, whether it is possible to write on weekends, and whether it is convenient to use voice messages. During video calls, it is important to pay attention to the gestures and facial expressions of the interlocutor. This skill will help to understand the client’s mood and attitude to the conversation and direct the communication in the right direction.


Information security

The protection of digital data is a top priority both at work and in everyday life. Without information security skills, personal data, corporate secrets, and other important information may be leaked. For companies, these are big risks – both financial and reputational. According to statistics, over the past 13 years, the amount of data in the world has grown 60 times. According to experts, by 2025, the growth will be another 50%. The study shows how important the skills of working with information and the rules for storing it are.

All company employees must develop basic data protection competencies. These include knowledge of the rules for working on the network, storing information and passwords, the security of communication channels, and backup rules. Advanced information protection skills are necessary for security experts. They include knowledge of programming languages, cloud security, working with software, IT infrastructure, and the principles of secure networks.


Visualization and data analysis

Data analysis is the ability to find, analyze, and systematize information. When there is a lot of data, and it is difficult to identify the main points, visualization comes to the rescue—an effective way to convey information clearly and competently. Correctly constructed graphics improve the perception of information due to clarity, retention of attention, and interest.

Most people perceive images better than text. Therefore, the ability to work with data and support it with high-quality visuals is a competency that employers value. These skills are in demand in all areas of business. In order to become a competitive specialist, you need to be able to work with different analytics tools, such as Power BI, Qlik, and Tableau. To analyze data, you need to know Python, SQL, Data Mining, and statistics.


Digital skills in project work

Digital skills are in demand in project work. We are talking about launching a product or service, developing work tools, or organizing new business areas. For effective project management, it is necessary to be able to use special programs, such as Scrum, Agile, Kanban, and PM.

An expert with project management skills and knowledge of digital environment trends will be able to effectively manage business processes, optimize them, and take them to a new level.