Remote Working

Remote Working Isn’t Killing Creativity. But What Is?

Remote Working Isn’t Killing Creativity. But What Is?

One of the silver linings of the COVID pandemic has been that many people have had the opportunity to experiment with and experience remote working. Only a few years ago it would have been unimaginable for companies to let so many of their staff work remotely. But now...

Remote Working in 2022: 10 Trends to Look After

Remote Working in 2022: 10 Trends to Look After

Do you ever wonder why we work the way we do? Where did the benefit of being able to work remotely come from? In response to the changes in society, so has the working environment, and right now we are seeing some changes that, a while back, were still just trends....

Understanding Health Insurance for Remote Workers

Understanding Health Insurance for Remote Workers

If you have a team of remote workers, then you probably want to consider offering them health insurance. But that’s where things get a little challenging. There are various options for providing your employees with health insurance, but not all of them are suitable...