Digital Nomad Tips

5 Ways Countries Can Attract Digital Nomads

5 Ways Countries Can Attract Digital Nomads

If you met a digital nomad a few years ago, you probably would've thought what an eccentric being they are. Moreover, you may have assumed that this person barely made a living from their lifestyle. However, today we see digital nomads in a completely different light....

The Art of Digital Wellness: Sum-up of the Event

The Art of Digital Wellness: Sum-up of the Event

The world is changing fast and we are trying to catch up. The last 2 years have shown us a great deal of how things can change, how well we can adapt and what effects can arise due to these changes. In the field of work, many things have changed for us all. Whether we...

The World of Work is Forever Changed

The World of Work is Forever Changed

It’s December 2021 and we are still trying to process 2020 and everything that happened since the Covid-19 pandemic hit. The global pandemic had a greater impact than we could have imagined. When the Covid-19 hit in 2020, we understood the potential impact on the...

How and Why to Learn a New Language as a Digital Nomad

How and Why to Learn a New Language as a Digital Nomad

Digital nomads are people who travel the world, working in different countries that have a variety of cultures, regions and languages. Living in a new country or city when you don’t know the culture is one thing. But when there’s a new language involved, not being...