Digital Nomad Tips

Best VPNs for Digital Nomads & Why You Need One

Best VPNs for Digital Nomads & Why You Need One

A VPN is essential to your security online when you are in your home country with reliable Wi-Fi, good internet privacy laws, and broad freedom of speech. But a VPN is vital when you are travelling, using shared Wi-Fi networks and where seemingly innocuous social...

3 Online Side Investment Ideas for Digital Nomads

3 Online Side Investment Ideas for Digital Nomads

For most digital nomads, life involves working while you travel to cover your expenses on the road, and hopefully put something aside for the future or a rainy day. So, whatever your friends may think, you don’t spend the majority of each day sat on a beach, exploring...

How to Overcome Criticism as a Digital Nomad

How to Overcome Criticism as a Digital Nomad

Following your own path is not always easy. There can be many obstacles to face along the way, most often in the form of people you are surrounded by. But just like any obstacle, whether it be saving up enough money to follow your dream or completing a difficult...

3 Steps To Successful Remote Meetings

3 Steps To Successful Remote Meetings

Remote or virtual meetings are becoming the norm in today’s connected world. For digital nomads and remote workers they are often the mainstay of communication. It’s therefore important to have a good grasp of the phases of successful and effective remote meetings to...